Distance from Belfast to Bexley by car

491 miles or 790 km is driving distance from Belfast to Bexley by car. How far is it from Belfast to Bexley? It will take approximately 10 hours 34 minutes to cover the distance. Flight distance or as the crow flies is 332 miles (534 km). Fuel Cost Calculator is our additional tool, Booking and Rental Cars options are also featured for our users.

Drive distance
491 Miles
790 Km
Drive distance
Fuel consumption
13.27 Gallons
63.20 Litres
Fuel consumption
Flight distance
332 Miles
534 Km
Flight distance

Don't forget See the return route - Distance from Bexley to Belfast

How far is Belfast from Bexley?

Press "Show map" button to reveal the map with the route for distance from Belfast to Bexley. To use our Fuel Calculator tool please make sure that MPG is right for your car then click "Calculate". There are some more great features awaiting. Scroll down.

Book a Hotel for your trip to Bexley

Don't know where to stay in Bexley? We have hotel booking options for you and also Car Rentals to your right.

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